

The hackers guide to setting up your Mac

The purpose of this guide is to document how to manage your Mac like a boss. After much trial and error I believe this is the fastest, most efficient method to set up a clean, organized, and up-to-date development environment for a Mac.

The overview is presented here, and the details are maintained in the wiki


I’m a polygot fullstack developer so I have a fairly complex setup. Our goals here are:

  1. Be able to bootstrap a new system quickly with a repeatable process.
  2. Keep all software updated regularly (and keep track of what is installed).
  3. Have a great set of MacOS defaults.
  4. Have a very productive development environment:
    • A great shell environment
      • Aliases
      • Fonts
      • Colors
      • Prompt
      • etc.
    • A great editor environment
      • Colors
      • Fonts
      • Packages
      • Keys
      • Snippets
      • etc.

Key repositories

There are three very important repositories that contain all configuration data. I would like to explain the purpose of each.

These three repos contain all of my configuration and the entire process is initiated by running Strap.

What’s Inside

A lot of stuff. Seriously, a lot of stuff. Poke around in the Wiki

Building Blocks

We want to use the best tools out there - e.g. the ones with the most community support and momentum and the best functionality.


If you run into any issues, please open an issue on this repository and I’d love to get it fixed. Or, pull requests are always appreciated.
